Tips tygblöjor

Getting started with cloth diapers

What I Wish I Knew About Cloth Diapers

When I was new to cloth diapers, there were many questions to figure out. Which cloth diapers should you choose? What's the best cloth diaper? Why are there so many different types? How many diapers do you need?

How do you wash cloth diapers?

I experimented with different diaper systems and materials and found a hobby in all of this. I was even amazed at how many parents, like me, fell for cloth diapers. I was also surprised by how many think that they are the same diapers grandma used. In my opinion, modern cloth diapers are the diapers of the future.

But for those who are new to cloth diapers or looking for alternatives to disposable diapers, here are some tips that I wish someone had given me when I had questions about eco-friendly diapers.

• Most importantly, it should be simple; start with small changes. There's nothing wrong with alternating between disposable and cloth diapers. Some start with cloth diapers right from the hospital and find it natural. But my experience was that I had enough on my plate as a new mom, so I chose to introduce cloth diapers gradually. It felt natural to incorporate cloth diapers into our routines as the initial challenges of childbirth and the frozen food phase faded away.

• Try different diapers; our little babies come in all shapes and sizes, and different diapers or diaper brands work better at different times. I borrowed diapers from my sister who used them on her child, wrote notes for different inserts, and was terrified of putting them on wrong. In hindsight, I understand that it didn't matter much, as long as you use high-quality inserts, it doesn't have to be so complicated.

• Don't be afraid to adjust the snap settings on one-size diapers. Sometimes babies grow more in length, and sometimes in width. You might be surprised when your child grows and it's time to change the settings, especially when you have to adjust the snaps to a smaller setting.

• Don't make the washing routine more complicated than it needs to be. You probably already use a gentle detergent for your baby's other laundry; use it when washing cloth diapers too.

In the end, I just want to say that my journey to find a sustainable alternative to disposable diapers has been really enjoyable. As an experienced cloth diaper user, I would look forward to using cloth diapers on a future sibling early on, since I have the routine and I enjoy the feeling of every disposable diaper I save the world from.

What's your experience with diapers? Or do you have any tips for others who want to reduce their use of disposable diapers?

Learn more about cloth diapers.
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Jag trodde att det skulle vara omständligt att ta hand om bajset. Men efter några gånger insåg jag att det var ju inte alls så omständligt. Nu tycker jag istället att det känns konstigt att slänga det i soporna när vi inte har haft tygblöja. Känns helt rätt och självklart att det ska ner i toaletten!


Jag trodde jag skulle tycka tvättandet var mycket jobb. Men vi hade redan bytt ut tvättlappar till sånna i tyg och då blev det nästan lättare att hantera allt på samma gång. Eftersom jag ändå skulle tvätta dom.


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