About us

The founders of Time Ahead Sweden

So glad you found it here!

Welcome to Time Ahead Sweden - a dream realized by two sisters with hearts full of ambition and drive. Let us take you on a personal journey through our childhood memories, our growing bond as sisters, and how these experiences have shaped our commitment to sustainability and change.

Even as little girls, we had big dreams and an endless curiosity for the world around us. Our first attempts as young entrepreneurs included growing and selling pumpkins, looking for the most beautiful rocks to paint and sell, and even planning to build an entire fairground on our front lawn. The final project may never have been completed, but our dolls got to experience the most exciting and creative rides in our fantasy world.


"There is something magical about being a toddler and having dreams that seem as endless as the universe itself"


During these early years we learned about having ambitions and pushing our ideas forward. It was these early experiences that would set the stage for our future collaboration and commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

Our relationship as sisters has always been strong and close. We have shared laughs, dreams, and challenges. What was once a sketchy project of our future residence, a semi-detached house with secret passages connecting our two homes, turned out to be more prophetic than we could ever imagine. Today we live as next door neighbors in the place where we grew up, and our shared dream continues to grow.


"It is our duty to pass on values ​​to our children and to the world"


Our journey towards sustainability and environmental awareness began here, in our childhood, where we learned to take care of our surroundings and use our resources responsibly. Now, as parents of young children, we feel it is our duty to pass these values ​​on to our own children and to the world.

But this is where our story takes a new turn. When our own children were small and we, funnily enough, were on parental leave at the same time, Emelie took the first step and tested the modern cloth diapers. She soon showed Marielle how easy it could be to reduce the mountain of garbage, which was honestly growing quite large. We were completely enthralled by this new project and the drive of childhood came alive again.

We soon realized we wanted to share our newfound enthusiasm with other parents and began sewing cloth diapers for sale. We loved the feedback and your warm words that pushed us forward to develop our products even more!

The combination of parental leave and our passion for cloth diapers was a dream come true. But with increased demand, we had to make an important decision. Our gut feeling told us it was too good not to be able to produce on a larger scale. After all, there were more parents out there who felt just like us - that the feeling that every diaper you didn't have to throw away was a bonus for the planet.

creation of cloth diapers

So we started exploring materials and collaborating with factories to be able to produce on a larger scale, while our love for the products and our passion for product development remained at the core of Time Ahead Sweden.


"Finding and refining our strengths"


But there is one last important piece of the puzzle in our history that must not be forgotten. Our older sister, well, because we are actually a trio, has always been there as a helping hand and a voice of reason. She is key when it comes to accounts and numbers and her ability to keep track of the details and ensure our creative plans are moving in the right direction is irreplaceable.


So our story is complete. We are the sisters Emelie, Marielle and our older sister who together formed Time Ahead Sweden. Thank you for choosing to be part of our journey. Together we can create a more sustainable future for our children, for our planet and for all of us.

We look forward to continuing to share this journey with you and create more amazing products and experiences.

testing cloth diapers