Red bum - cloth diapers can help
Does your child often have a red bottom? Using a cloth diaper can help!
Our first child often had a red bum which was annoying and hurt. The disposable veils we used at the time were of a regular brand of good quality. Still, the red wouldn't go away, for almost the entire diaper period.
Even before the first child, we started looking for cloth diapers. Then it wasn't because of nappy rash or red bum, it wasn't something we had thought about before we were in the middle of it. Rather, we looked at possibly using cloth diapers because of the climate anxiety, or at least the feeling and thoughts about what our child's future will be like. But after our son had a rough start in life, there were other things to think about and no cloth diapers left...
I remember we had times when he was only a few days old, when he got way too much diaper rash from the disposable diapers. We changed the diaper very often, to keep it dry. We used ointments that the health center recommended to us and we used powders. But still, it wanted to go on and on for the first few months. We chose during this period, to let him be without a diaper as much as we could, which helped well, but only figured when we were home.
We had periods on and off until our boy became nappy free, with a red bottom and nappy rash from the disposable nappies. Sometimes we used blankets as diapers, which worked great to keep the red at bay. So then, in 2017, we got our first folding diapers. We used them as a supplement to the disposable diapers because it worked as a solution for the irritating skin. Then and there, part-time cloth diapers became the easy solution for us. Even if only folding diapers, because we didn't dare to try any other cloth diaper at the time...
With the second child, we started using cloth diapers the day we got home from BB. This time we have had no problems with the skin. For us, it has really been switching to a diaper that is gentle on the skin. Using cloth diapers full time was not something we thought we would do right from the start. We thought we'd give it a try and see how it worked and if it would be possible at all. But it was so much easier than we had expected, so it just kept rolling.
My sister had her second child just a few days after us. When they also started with cloth diapers, they found the same advantage. It spared the skin of the little child. They thought that it helped especially well, to vary materials that lay directly against the child's skin. By sometimes letting the diaper's bamboo insert (which has antibacterial properties) lie against the skin and sometimes using a pocket diaper with stay-dry against the skin.
Cloth diapers don't have to be all or nothing. It could be a single cloth diaper against a red bum, or for a completely different reason. Half-time cloth diapers or full-time cloth diapers. There are many different ways and reasons that differ from family to family.
For us, cloth diapers became the way to get rid of red bottoms on children. And one of the reasons why we chose to start our own cloth diaper brand.
/ Emelie Palm at Time Ahead Sweden - Cloth diapers